Главная/Наши публикации/High-throughput search for potential potassium ion conductors: A combination of geometrical-topological and density functional theory approaches
High-throughput search for potential potassium ion conductors: A combination of geometrical-topological and density functional theory approaches 20 октября 2018 года
R.A.Eremin, N.A.Kabanova, Ye.A.Morkhova, A.A.Golov, V.A.Blatov High-throughput search for potential potassium ion conductors: A combination of geometrical-topological and density functional theory approaches. Solid State Ionics, 2018, 326, 188-199. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2018.10.009 IF 2.751
Главная/Наши публикации/High-throughput search for potential potassium ion conductors: A combination of geometrical-topological and density functional theory approaches